Monday, August 25, 2008

Cite Your Work!

Yea, yea, yea...I teach how to cite your sources all day long, but I have been caught not heeding my own advice! When I first started my genealogy hobby 13 years ago, I didn't bother citing where I got my information from because I never planned on publishing my findings and it was just "for fun!" Well, do I ever regret that decision! I still probably won't publish anything, but if only I knew where I got all of my information from so that I could verify it! I have met many distant relatives and shared information with many people and often I find discrepencies in our data. If only I knew exactly where I got that specific date in question (or city, or name, etc) then I could go back and check my work. Now I am in the process of citing all of the information that I have copies of, emails that I printed, books that I purchased, and it is painful, but productive!

I went to my friend, Georgia's, last Friday and got her started in Legacy Family Tree software and CLOOZ organizing software and yes, she is citing her sources because of my lessons learned! We will plan a trip to the Library of Congress library or the DAR library for my day off in September or October. That should be fun!

Still no headway on my "things to do list", but I am ever so hopeful....


  1. I laughed out loud at this! This is too funny. Now you have a story to share with your students. Hope all is good your first week of school.

  2. Thanks Paige! I would share my "story," but you know teens, they know it all!!!!

    Thanks for "stopping by" :-)

  3. I never cited anything either for 10 years, so I know what you mean! Luckily, most of my dad's family info came from a set of books that contained transcriptions of church records in Southwest Louisiana, but it was still a pain to go back and look up the volume and page numbers.
